# Arm Subsystem Documentation
## Overview
The `Arm` subsystem controls the robotic arm using two CANSparkMax brushless motors, an encoder for position tracking, and both PID and Feedforward controllers for precision movement.
### Features:
- Dual-motor control for arm movement
- Soft limits to prevent overextension
- PID control for holding positions
- Arm Feedforward control for smooth motion
- SmartDashboard integration for telemetry and tuning
## Code Overview
### Motor Initialization
The subsystem initializes two `CANSparkMax` motors for controlling the arm:
this.ArmNeo1 = new CANSparkMax(leftMotor, MotorType.kBrushless);
this.ArmNeo2 = new CANSparkMax(rightMotor, MotorType.kBrushless);
  • Motor 1 (ArmNeo1): Left motor (Master)
  • Motor 2 (ArmNeo2): Right motor (Follower)
  • Motors are set to brake mode to avoid uncontrolled movements when the power is off.

Encoder Initialization

The DutyCycleEncoder tracks the position of the arm:

private final DutyCycleEncoder armEncoder = new DutyCycleEncoder(0);

The encoder is used to measure the arm’s position and is configured with an offset to correct for initial alignment issues.

Movement Control

Direct Motor Control

  • move(double percentSpeed): Directly sets motor speed.
  • up(double percentSpeed): Moves the arm up if it hasn’t reached the upper limit.
  • down(double percentSpeed): Moves the arm down if it hasn’t reached the lower limit.

Soft Limits

Soft limits prevent the arm from moving outside the desired range:

if (position < 0.24) {
    move(percentSpeed);  // Allow upward movement
if (position > 0.025) {
    move(-percentSpeed); // Allow downward movement

Position Control

PID Control

A PID controller is used to hold the arm at a specific position. The constants for the PID loop are initialized as follows:

kp = 0.01;
ki = 0.0;
kd = 0.0;
hold = new PIDController(kp, ki, kd);

Feedforward Control

The feedforward controller is responsible for ensuring smooth motion, compensating for gravity and inertia:

armFF = new ArmFeedforward(ks, kg, kv, ka);

Key Methods

move(double percentSpeed)

Sets the motor speed directly, allowing for manual control of the arm’s motion.

up(double percentSpeed)

Moves the arm upward while checking for the soft upper limit.

down(double percentSpeed)

Moves the arm downward while checking for the soft lower limit.


Maintains the arm at its current position using the PID controller:

ArmNeo1.set(hold.calculate(position * 2 * Math.PI, setpoint * 2 * Math.PI) + armFF.calculate(position * 2 * Math.PI, kv));


Returns the current arm position from the encoder.


The subsystem uses the SmartDashboard to display telemetry data:

  • Arm Position: SmartDashboard.putNumber("arm//ArmEncoder", position);


The constants for this subsystem are defined in ArmConstants for easy modification:

public class ArmConstants {
    public static final double encoderPitchDiameter = /* ... */;
    public static final double groundArmPos = /* ... */;

Periodic Functions


This method updates the arm’s position every scheduler run and displays the data on the SmartDashboard.

public void periodic() {
    raw_position = armEncoder.getAbsolutePosition();
    if (raw_position < offset) {
        position = 1 + raw_position - offset;
    } else {
        position = raw_position - offset;
    SmartDashboard.putNumber("arm//ArmEncoder", position);

Future Enhancements

  • Integrate more sophisticated motion planning (e.g., trajectory following).
  • Tune the PID and Feedforward controllers for more precise arm control.
  • Implement additional soft limit protections for motor safety.

This documentation is structured to give an overview of the arm subsystem, explain key components like motor control and feedback systems, and describe methods in detail.