For 2025 we are using a workflow based on the Feature Branch Workflow. You can read up on it here:

Setting up Environment:

Download and Install 2025 WPILib

Clone the 2025 Repository

git clone
Open 2025 WPILib VSCode
Click “Clone Repository” under Explorer

Clone from GitHub:

Find the 2025-Bot Repo or use
Select the folder on your computer that you want to clone to and complete the process.

Click on Source Control and Trust the Authors

Before you beginning working on code

Open up Issue you are working on and click on “Create a Branch”

You should see the following instructions for how to checkout using command line.

You can also do this in VSCode:
git fetch

Select your new branch:
git checkout -b "branch name"

Make your changes


git add .
Click + to stage changes

git commit -m "Commit Message"
Enter a description of what changes you made and click commit

git push
Click Sync Changes to Push

Creating a Pull Request

Once your code is ready to merge with the main branch you can create a pull request

Go to Github and click on Pull Requests. You should see a yellow box like the one below showing that your branch has changes on it. Click on “Compare and pull request”
Make sure there are no merge errors, add a description and create the pull request:

Best Practices

  1. Commit and push to your branch often
    1. This is a good backup for you as it forces you to save, and your code will be uploaded to GitHub every time you push
    2. You can get your old code back if you make a mistake down the line
    3. It’s ok if your branch is not functional, the goal is just to keep main functional
  2. Test your code on the robot before creating a pull request
    1. Checkout your branch on the driver station, and upload the code
    2. Ensure the robot is still fully functional and there are no unintended consequences
    3. This will give the reviewer confidence to approve your pull request quickly